people of UG

people of UG
The Marian Smoluchowski Medal was awarded to prof. dr hab. Ryszard Horodecki from the International Centre for Quantum Theory Technologies at the University of Gdańsk. This is the highest honour awarded by the Polish Physical Society. The UG scientist was recognised for his contribution to the foundations of quantum computing theory and the development…
people of UG
dr Jacek Splisgart Who will be teaching Japanese to students of Japanese Studies at UG? What can those admitted to the most sought-after course in this year's University of Gdańsk recruitment expect? Will there be trips to Japan for students? Dr Jacek Splisgart, Head of the Department of East Asian Culture and Languages at the UG,…
people of UG
prof. Romuald Grzybowski The Silver Medal of the University of Gdańsk Doctrinae Sapientiae Honestati was awarded to prof. dr hab. Romuald Grzybowski for his continuous support and long-standing activities for the development of the university. On July 12, the Council Hall of the Faculty of Social Sciences was the venue for the 70th…
people of UG
prof. Arkadiusz Modrzejewski  From meetings with well-known politicians and diplomats to a conference on the role of an honorary consul to engaging practitioners to teach students, the Institute of Political Sciences UG conducts a variety of research and teaching activities. We asked its director, dr hab. Arkadiusz Modrzejewski,…
people of UG
Distinguished molecular biologist prof. dr hab. Maciej Żylicz, President of the Foundation for Polish Science, talks about setting up his team of scientists when 'there was no money for practically anything', the current state of Polish biotechnology and working on his most important publications. We invite you to read the interview.  Marcel Jakubowski: - In the 1980s, you returned to Poland richer in the experience of…
people of UG
From left: dr hab. Aleksander Kubicki, prof. UG and prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski. As of March 6 this year, the Vice-Dean for Internationalisation and Development of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, dr hab. Aleksander Kubicki, prof. UG is acting as the Rector's Plenipotentiary for the Digital Transformation…
people of UG
Two seasons, limited access to water and rising temperatures - this is the picture that climate forecasts for Poland draw over the next few decades. Dr Mirosława Malinowska, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs at the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography UG, talks about whether we can do anything to prevent this. A climatologist from UG, she has written many papers collecting data from meteorological stations all over…
people of UG
He founded and expanded the Marine Station of the University of Gdańsk in Hel and cared for endangered species of the Baltic Sea, including fish, seals and porpoises. Prof. Krzysztof Skóra passed away six years ago, but his achievements continue to change our environment for the better. This year, the Professor was awarded the 'Green Eagle' im memoriam for his commitment to environmental issues. The competition was…
people of UG
The presentation of the UG silver medal, the premiere of a book about the jubilarian and speeches by distinguished guests - all this was prepared for the 70th anniversary of prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Stegner, a historian associated with our university for many years. The ceremony was attended by the university's authorities, local governments and important…
people of UG
For her passion and commitment to the care of the cultural heritage of the Gdańsk Shipyard, the Special Award of the Marshal of the Pomorskie Voivodeship was awarded to dr Magdalena Staręga, who is professionally connected with the European Solidarity Centre and the University of Gdańsk. At our university, the researcher works at the Institute of Art History.  The 15th anniversary of the European Solidarity Centre was…