
The short film Metal-Girl, shot by UG Film and Audiovisual Culture student Pawel Golonko, won the main prize at the SEA-EU Film Festival, an event initiated by the University of Split. The Croatian university will soon host a screening of the 11 winning films, 5 of which were made at the University of Gdańsk! ‘I absolutely did not expect this, it is a…
After an over 30-day expedition, during which an international team of scientists studied the impact of the Baltic Sea on Arctic waters, r/v Oceanograf - the research vessel of the University of Gdańsk - arrived at the pier in Sopot. The ceremony marking the end of the BaltArctic Research Cruise was attended by the Rector of UG, prof. dr hab. Piotr…
Over 90 % of planned research completed, hundreds of nautical miles of scientific collaboration, and a new dimension of SEA-EU alliance collaboration - the r/v Oceanograf and r/v Oceania arrived in Bodø on June 19, completing the first part of the BaltArctic Research Cruise.   - R/v Oceanograf and r/v Oceania sailing into the Bodø Harbour - this moment…
photo by Łukasz Bień Close to 80 guests (including more than 50 international guests), 9 universities, 20 scientific posters, 2 days of exchange of good practices and experiences. This is how the meeting ‘We strengthen the network of cooperation’, held on June 6-7, 2024, can be described in a nutshell. The University of Gdańsk…
What does oceanographic research look like from a writer's perspective? What do the professions of researcher and artist have in common? And how does the concept of the hero's journey relate to a scientific career? Follow Zygmunt Miłoszewski's logbook from the BaltArctic Research Cruise.    The vagabond gene The…
The r/v Oceanograf, owned by the University of Gdańsk, has set sail for over a month's expedition beyond the Arctic Circle. You can follow its route live: Live feed - BaltArctic Research Cruise ( Also involved in the BaltArctic Research Cruise are the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the r/v Oceania belonging to it, the universities of the SEA-EU alliance and the well-known…
R/v Oceanograf has set off on a 33-day expedition beyond the Arctic Circle, to the Norwegian town of Bodø. Over the next few weeks, the UG ship will cross the Baltic Sea and the North Sea before finally entering the waters of the Norwegian Sea. Throughout this time, research on board will be carried out by an international research team from the SEA-EU…
Photo by  Øyfrid Knudsen Bodø University hosted another series of meetings of rectors and those directly involved in the implementation of the SEA-EU European University of the Seas Programme. The meeting on May 28-29 summarised the partnership's activities to date and discussed the formal requirements of the European Commission…
'It was definitely a team effort. It would not have been possible without the contribution and commitment of many people,' says dr Aleksandra Brodecka-Goluch, scientific leader of the expedition, about the collaboration on the SEA-EU research cruise to Cádiz. We invite you to read a conversation with a scientist from the Department of Chemical Oceanography and Marine Geology about the longest voyage of the UG r/v…
The University of Gdańsk's ship r/v Oceanograf will once again sail beyond the Baltic Sea, this time on an expedition of more than a month to the Arctic Circle. Also involved in the BaltArctic Research Cruise is the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and its ship r/v Oceania, the universities of the European SEA-EU alliance, and…