Exhibition space
It is a matter of the next few months before the University of Gdańsk Museum, based at 5 Bielańska Street in Gdańsk, opens a permanent exhibition dedicated to the university's history. It will include artefacts relating to the most significant events in the 54 years of the University of Gdańsk's existence and more! The exhibition will also tell the story of the time before 1970, i.e. before the establishment of our university.
The entire permanent exhibition - from the reconstruction of the former rooms to the scenography - is being built entirely from scratch. Construction and electrical work has just been completed on the 140m² room where the exhibition will stand. This is the first step in preparing the space for its future function. As part of the next stage of work, a scenography designed by the GDYBY Group will be set up in the room, combining modern design with the design style of the People's Republic of Poland era.
Nine thematic sections are planned for the exhibition, including threads dedicated to the predecessors of the University of Gdańsk: Higher School of Economics in Sopot (WSE) and the Higher School of Pedagogy in Gdańsk (WSP). Alongside artefacts and iconographic and audiovisual material relating to the origins of the university, its authorities, staff, scientific activity, or infrastructure, there will also be exhibits relating to student culture and the reality of studying in previous decades.
‘The exhibition combines several historical, scientific and social perspectives. We try to illustrate all these issues with the stories of specific figures connected to the university, i.e. employees, scientists and students,' explains Magdalena Jaszcza from the University of Gdańsk Museum. 'We start with the marine profile of our university, then we talk about the predecessors of the University of Gdańsk, and in further stages, we touch on topics such as scientific development and opposition activity at the university in the 1980s.’
Ultimately, the permanent exhibition will occupy an area of 110 m², and the remaining 30 m² will become space for temporary exhibitions. ‘We call this place the museum laboratory,' says UG Museum Director Marta Szaszkiewicz. 'We want temporary exhibitions to be created in this room by students who take classes and internships in museology as part of their studies. This is an innovative approach to the educational mission of university museums. We strive to be a participatory museum that engages and creates a space for joint exhibition, as well as educational and popularisation activities.’

The permanent exhibition will be housed at 5 Bielańska Street, Gdańsk
The Museum of the University of Gdańsk is a university-wide unit whose primary objective is to collect, process, preserve and make available objects related to the history and culture of the University of Gdańsk and the history of science. To date, the Museum has organised various popular science events, e.g. open lectures, educational workshops and temporary exhibitions. At the same time, the unit has always aimed to create a permanent exhibition.
The project 'Revitalisation of the University of Gdańsk building located at 5 Bielanska Street in Gdańsk' is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Regional Operational Programme for the Pomeranian Voivodeship 2014-2020.