The University of Gdańsk is launching the first special edition of the Academic Citizens' Budget called Green University of Gdańsk - Zielony Uniwersytet Gdański (Green UG - Zielony UG). Projects that will contribute to the green transformation of our university can be submitted to the competition. Students, doctoral students, academics and administration staff are invited to submit their proposals starting from Monday, March 18, 2024. The Green UG competition is implemented as part of the SEA-EU 2.0 project financed from Erasmus+ funds.
The aim of running the Green UG competition is to increase our commitment to the environmental and social transformation of the University of Gdańsk. Therefore, the invitation to participate in the competition is addressed to the entire academic community: students and doctoral students, academic teachers and administration staff.
A gross amount of PLN 80,000.00 is allocated for the implementation of projects in the 2024 edition. The cost estimate for a single project cannot exceed PLN 20,000 gross.
How can you submit your project?
You are welcome to form mixed teams and propose projects that will contribute to the green transformation of the UG campus. Each team should involve at least one person from two different groups in our community. The call for entries starts at 8:00 a.m. on March 18, 2024, and will close at 11:59 p.m. on April 8, 2024.
Projects submitted to the Green University of Gdańsk competition should include materials or equipment needed for e.g.:
- initiatives to reduce the use of paper and other office supplies;
- management of rainwater, green waste, composting;
- effective waste separation;
- reducing consumption of electricity, water and other resources;
- launching community gardens that will be cared for by staff and students;
- purchase of charging stations for electronic devices powered by solar energy or other sources, e.g. stationary bicycles that generate electricity;
- repair points;
- information boards to raise awareness of sustainability among the university community, e.g. showing real-time electricity or water consumption;
- other initiatives to support UG's green transformation.
Submission of projects to the Green UG competition is done electronically, in the Employee Portal and the Student Portal. Links to the submission forms will be made available on Monday, March 18, on the Green UG website (https://ug.edu.pl/zielony-ug).
Get help as you prepare your application
Not sure how to estimate your project costs or have other questions? Before submitting your application, contact the Green UG competition coordinator at the University of Gdańsk's Centre for Sustainable Development: czrug@ug.edu.pl
When preparing a project cost estimation, you can also use the publicly available project cost price lists published, among others, on the municipal citizen budget websites of the city of Gdańsk and the city of Gdynia.
Once the list of qualified projects is announced, electronic voting will be launched. Employees will be able to vote for projects by logging in to the Employee Portal, and students - by logging in to the Student Portal. Each eligible employee or student may vote for a maximum of three projects from the list.
Detailed information about the competition can be found in the Rules and Regulations of the Green University of Gdańsk Project available on the Green University of Gdańsk website.