Construction work begins on the UG Sports Centre

A modern sports hall, gym, indoor pitches, tennis courts - these and other facilities will be part of the Sports Centre to be built on the Oliwa campus near the so-called ‘old rectorate’. Last week, the construction site was ceremoniously handed over to the contractor.

Future UG Sports Centre - visualisation

Future UG Sports Centre - visualisation

After obtaining a building permit for the construction of a multi-purpose sports hall for the University of Gdańsk, including the development of the site and the necessary infrastructure, the University of Gdańsk is now starting the first stage of the construction of the Sports Centre at 31 Wita Stwosza Street in Gdańsk. The entire project involves the construction of several sports facilities - in the first stage, the plans include the construction of a multi-purpose sports hall with full technical, social, sanitary and administrative facilities with amenities for people with disabilities. The project also includes the development of the area around the facility and the organisation of outdoor car parks.

The sports hall will have a full-size basketball, volleyball and futsal court with seating for 270 spectators. In addition, athletes will have access to a gym, cardio room, fitness room, martial arts room, music and movement room and wellness facilities. The Sports Centre will be further developed with a full-size football pitch, a tennis hall, outdoor basketball and beach sports courts, tennis courts and a sports and training hall. The final stage of the construction of the Sports Centre of the University of Gdańsk will be the construction of a 25-metre swimming pool.


Preparing the site for construction requires the removal of some of the bushes and trees growing in the area. This will be done with full respect for nature - from the beginning of March, the work will be carried out under ornithological supervision, due to the bird breeding season, and in connection with the felling of trees, the contractor (BUDIMEX) has undertaken to carry out replacement planting.

‘Due to the fact that the University of Gdańsk basically does not have its own sports facilities, the construction of a new sports hall is crucial for the further development of the university,’ says the Vice-Chancellor for Investments and Refurbishment, mgr inż. Tomasz Dunalski.The Sports Centre will popularise sports in the academic community and promote sports and active leisure activities. The new sports facilities will enable the organisation of sports competitions, training camps and sports camps.’

The new sports facilities will serve not only the academic community but also the local community - the University of Gdańsk plans to make them available to local residents as well.



Edit. DR/CPC UG; photo M. Byczkowski/CPC UG